January 18 & 19th 2024 at Dr Ambedkar International Centre, New Delhi
Blindness Prevention Week
Blindness Prevention Week (1st-7th April) aims to bring the focus on visual impairment, its causes, treatment and prevention. The week-long movement will witness a host of awareness and advocacy activities, engage all the key stakeholders and target to create a massive reach among masses to promote awareness on eye health, preventive approach, healthy lifestyle as well as seeking medical interventions for all complications instead of home-based therapies.

- Creating relevant awareness on various aspects of eye care and to bust all myths related to eye health through the use of social media.
- Developing sustainable strategies for Eye Health by bringing all relevant stakeholders together
- Enhancing community awareness on eye care and laying stress on preventive measures
- Increase and expand research for prevention of blindness and visual impairment
- To monitor trends and evaluate progress towards implementing integrated people – centred eye care; and to raise awareness and engage and empower people and communities in respect of eye care needs
- Encouraging people to prioritize eye health as well as towards a preventive and healthy lifestyle and diet.

- Spotlights
- Twitter spaces
- Live Panel Discussions
- Pledge (Eye Donation)
Ophthalmologists will discuss the various aspects of eye care including new and innovative technological interventions. The focus will also be on the nutritional aspect of a good eyesight and a balanced diet that is a pre- requisite for a healthy body including eyes.
Discussion with experts on frequently asked questions and clearing misconceptions around eye care. The online platform will engage eye specialistsfor a comprehensive discussion on various aspects of eye care from regular check-ups and infections to more advanced aspects like cataract and other surgeries.
With professional doctors, celebrities, health & fitness influencers, patients, school kids to promote awareness for healthier eyes as well as a healthy lifestyle.
Inviting people from all walks of life to come forward and donate their eyes to ensure vision for all mission. Almost 70 lakh individuals in India suer from partial blindness owing to various eye defects. Of these, more than 2 lakh people require a corneal transplant surgery each year, in either one or both the eyes, to restore their normal, healthy vision. However, only close to 55,000 corneas are made available annually, owing to the massive dearth for eye donations. This, unfortunately, leaves over 1.5 lakh people without the ability to see, on a yearly basis, even when their eye disorders can be rectified completely by surgical procedures. We can also engage influencers and urge people for eye donation through short videos or social media posts and emphasise on its urgent need.

Eight years journey of the Integrated Health & Wellbeing Council inspired by UN global agenda of holistic approach to Sustainable Development Goals is a great continuous learning experience for us to help improving good health and lifestyle of people at large. We feel extremely proud to drive 9 out of 17 SDG goals through holistic Hi5 health awareness, advocacy and action agenda of the IHW Council. The advocacy and awareness impact around Good health, Good Food, Good Water Good Air & Good Lifestyle we have created through the responsible actions of our missions involving global leaders, Countries, relevant Ministries & Government bodies, Health, environment & education policymakers, medical technology, solutions & services, infrastructure providers, researchers, academia, professionals, health enthusiasts & influencers, key stakeholders and grassroots level organizations is been a sheer passion.


IHW Council
Level 3B, DLF Centre, Sansad Marg,
Connaught Place,New Delhi – 110001

IHW Council, a not-for-profit organisation working towards creating awareness and advocacy for a healthier, happier world. With the core belief that health is everyone’s responsibility, IHW Council initiatives get everyone talking about health at the national and international level. It is our guiding philosophy that focused, dedicated efforts which impact areas related to health should be recognized to inspire more hands and more initiatives that can contribute towards the making of a healthy nation.