January 18 & 19th 2024 at Dr Ambedkar International Centre, New Delhi
IHW JANANI Awards 2021
Excellence in Health & Wellbeing
Janani; the beginning of life and mother who gives birth to a child is not only mother, sister but caretakers, conscience, farmers, educators and entrepreneurs and the most integral important part of our health & wellbeing in life.
“When women are empowered and can claim their rights and access to land, leadership, opportunities and choices, economies grow, food security is enhanced and prospects are improved for current and future generations.”
– Michelle Bachelet, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women
Throughout history, the central role of women in society has ensured the stability, progress and long-term development of nations starting from the first 1000days of a woman when she starts taking care of her health and the health of her infant and growing child. Globally, women comprise 43 percent of the world’s agricultural labor force – rising to 70 percent in some countries. Today, the median female share of the global workforce is 45.4 percent. Women’s formal and informal labor can transform a community from a relatively autonomous society to a participant in the national economy. Despite significant obstacles, women’s small businesses in rural developing communities not only can be an extended family’s lifeline, but can form a networked economic foundation for future generations. The role of women in the urban and rural workforce has expanded exponentially in recent decades. Women, notably mothers, play the largest role in decision-making about family overall health starting from meal planning and diet. And, women self-report more often their initiative in preserving child health and nutrition.
The contribution of women to a healthy society’s transition from pre-literate to literate likewise is undeniable.
It is the mother in the family who most often urges children of both genders to eat healthy, attend – and stay – in school. The role of women is at the front end of the chain of improvements leading to healthy families, and the community’s long-term capacity.
Integrated Health & Wellbeing Council; a prestigious health & wellbeing advocacy institution in India feels proud and privileged to institute a rewarding platform; Janani Awards for excellence in health & wellbeing for women in India, and their remarkable contribution and multidimensional role in raising healthy family, community, society, building healthy economy and nation.
Recognition will be rewarded in their overall contribution and achievements in health & wellbeing covering home making, agriculture, economy, community, society, sports, science, politics and their health influential role at the grassroots level.
Criteria for the reward would be on invitation and through a validated nomination process, identified by the eminent steering committee. Each nomination would be evaluated on merit and the contribution made by the woman in their respective health & wellbeing arena.
Categories are defined and titled as per the sectors & areas. Women working, and directly or indirectly influencing, impacting and making a difference in any sector, industry at any level in the areas of health & wellbeing can nominate and participate.

This category is for the women who are identified and recognized as a health role model and achieved substantial in life to influence masses as a health ambassador globally. Nomination can be from health, healthcare, environment, fitness, and lifestyle areas with iconic or similar image.

This category is for the women who are doing remarkable work as an individual, identified and recognized as a health advocate impacting masses at national level. It may be commercial or not for profit.

This category is for the women who are doing credible work at regional level as health warriors. Specifically, those who are working on COVID and any other small but impactful health development work in various territories, cities or local level in the villages. It may be commercial or not for profit.

This category is for the women who are contributing in developing health of societies by doing social services, running a not for profit organization in the health and wellbeing space, and can be an individual working in association with like-minded people to create a sizable impact in the society at national level.

This category is for the women who are contributing in mental health space developing mental health of people, societies and community at large at national or regional level through personal contribution or creating a product or services to improve mental health of individuals.

This category is for the women who are contributing in developing health of community by doing social services, running a not for profit organization in the health and wellbeing space, and can be an individual working in association with like-minded people to create a sizable impact at community development level.

This category is specifically designed to identify and recognize the role of women as a business woman which is substantial and remarkable in today’s world. Women as a health & healthcare business owners, holding top position in social businesses, organization, company, government or government institution in health & healthcare sectors as a best performing leader. Women from these institutions, organizations and companies can nominate.

This category is specifically designed to identify and recognize the role of women as a working woman which is contributing to the health of economy as manager or at senior level. Best performing working women as manager or head of the department in health, healthcare businesses, and environment space holding senior position in social businesses, organization, company, government or government institution in health & healthcare and environment sectors as a best performing woman can nominate.

This category is specifically designed to identify and recognize the role of women as a scientist and research & development individual in the space of health, wellbeing, agriculture and environment. Best performing working women at any level of the department in businesses, social businesses, organization, company, government or government institution in the above space and sectors as a best performing leader can nominate.

This category is specifically designed to identify and recognize the role of women as an innovator in the space of health, wellbeing and environment. Best innovation in terms of products, equipment or initiatives in health & healthcare businesses, social businesses, organization, company, government or government institution in health, healthcare and environment sectors as a best performing innovator can nominate.

This category is specifically designed to identify and recognize the role of women as a key technology player in the space of health, wellbeing, agriculture and environment. Best technology in terms of products, equipment, digital technology including mobileApp, Tele Communication, AI, Robotics, Backhand programs, Software or initiatives in health & healthcare businesses, organization, company, government or government institution in health & healthcare sectors as a best performing technology individual can nominate.

This category is specifically designed to identify and recognize the women in fashion for health, wellbeing and environment. It will invite women who are working to create fashion statement, design clothing or fashionable wearable products for health, wellbeing and environment, and creating sizable impact by owning such social business, ventures as an individual or in a company and organization.

This category is specifically designed to identify and recognize the role of women as a key contributor to health through farming, organic farming, new age & innovative agriculture practices and ideas implementation in rural and urban areas, good food supply practices, and utilizing better technology for optimum agriculture outcome. Women actively working and creating sizable impact or owning such social or business ventures can nominate.

This category is specifically designed to identify and recognize the sports women and their remarkable contribution to our nation. Women in sports are born healthy and wellbeing ambassadors inspiring millions of people through their hard work, dedication, discipline, and positive & healthy outlook towards life. This category will identify and recognize the contribution of women in sports at national level. Women from various sports can nominate.

This category is for the women who are contributing in developing health of individuals, community and societies by doing social services, running a not for profit organization or commercial venture in the health, wellbeing and environment space in the villages and remote areas of India.

This category is for the women who are contributing in developing, influencing, motivating sanitation & hygiene practices and standards at the national level in terms of projects, awareness in the sanitation & hygiene space. This will also cover all areas of urban & rural India and women working as sanitation workers with the remarkable and recognizable contribution.

This category is for the women who are contributing in guiding, developing healthy eating practices, good food awareness, influencing, motivating individuals or communities for right nutrition & food, and fighting the battle of malnutrition not only limited to women, infant, child, adolescents but overall urban & rural people at national, state, district, community or village level. It will include women working on commercial and non-commercial ventures, Nutrition warriors at regional level, Anganwadi, Ashas workers, government & corporate services and in social organizations with rewarding performance.

Just like health of an individual, healthy political practices play a significant role in a nation building and must be acknowledged and rewarded. This category is specifically designed for the women who are practicing healthy politics in the country and known for their positive impact, good behavior and conducts in politics influencing positive impact on masses.

This category is for the women who are launching or running health, wellbeing, environment, healthcare and medical startups in the country for their direct or indirect contribution to the health & wellbeing of masses. Startups can be social impact or commercial ventures.

This category is specifically designed for the women who are known for their healthy lifestyle, practices and style icons. Women who have made health as style statement and their act and lifestyle is influential to attract masses, designed or created health, wellbeing and environment friendly products, wearable, (watches, clothing etc.), and MobileApp or anything which can be taken as a style or style statement to influence health & wellbeing of people at large.

This category is for the women who are identified and recognized not only as a health role model but also wellbeing leaders influencing masses with their kind support to the individual, uplifting community and society at national and international level. It can include individual efforts, organization or commercial venture managed by individuals in creating impact as spiritual leader, fighting any of the social, personal or community issues for human being, impacting animal and environment at any level.

This category is for the women who are identified and recognized not only as a health role model but also wellbeing champions influencing masses with their kind support to the individual, uplifting community and society at regional, district and village level. It can include individual efforts, organization or commercial venture managed by individuals in creating impact as spiritual guide, fighting any of the social, personal or community issues for human being, impacting animal and environment in their own society, community or village.

This category is for the women who are identified and recognized as a fitness guide or trainers in their community, society or at national level impacting health through fitness courses, one to one training or awareness programs influencing masses. Women in the space of creating fitness centric products, software or initiatives can also nominate. It will cover women from region and villages as well.

This category is specifically designed to identify and recognize the role of women as an innovator in the space of health, wellbeing and environment. Best innovation in terms of products, equipment or initiatives in health & healthcare businesses, social businesses, organization, company, government or government institution in health, healthcare and environment sectors as a best performing innovator can nominate.
To create awareness among the vulnerable and empowering environment through positive health & healthcare system, and social &economic policies forthe overall development of women to enable them to realize their full potential, Integrated health & Wellbeing Council; the prestigious health and wellbeing advocacy institution is initiating a powerful interactive forum; Women’s Health Summit 2021 on 28th May 2021 observing International Women’s Day. The forum would also recognize and reward the remarkable contribution and achievements of women in various arenas and their outstanding contribution in the society and economy.
The forum would witness the key stakeholders from Government and private health, women & child development institutions & organizations, States and regional level health department, educational institutions, experts and academia, influencers and various social organizations, and highlight the critical issues faced by the women in the 21st Century India. It will focus on creating massive awareness among masses to empower women & girl child with Good Food, Good Water and Clean Air and strengthen their role in all spheres – political, economic, social, cultural, civil society and nation building through good health and wellbeing.
Initiative by

IHW Council is a not for profit organization that works towards creating awareness and advocacy for a healthier world. Set up in response to a strong call to bridge the gaps in preventive healthcare and environmental protection, the Council advocate’s adherence to the highest standards accepted internationally in healthcare. With the core belief that health is a human right and not only the responsibility of the individual, the Council raises pressing concerns in the healthcare fraternity and engages policy makers, key government officials, academia, industry, health care experts and civil society.


On International Day of Action for Women’s Health, Integrated Health & Wellbeing Council; a prestigious health & wellbeing advocacy institution in India feels proud and privileged to institute a rewarding platform; “Janani Awards” to reward excellence of women in health!
The awards are also for their remarkable contribution and multidimensional role in raising healthy family, community, society, building a healthy economy and nation.
Join us on 28th May to witness the women health leaders being recognized and rewarded for their outstanding efforts!
IHW Council
Level 3B, DLF Centre, Sansad Marg,
Connaught Place,New Delhi – 110001
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HW Council, a not-for-profit organisation working towards creating awareness and advocacy for a healthier, happier world. With the core belief that health is everyone’s responsibility, IHW Council initiatives get everyone talking about health at the national and international level. It is our guiding philosophy that focused, dedicated efforts which impact areas related to health should be recognized to inspire more hands and more initiatives that can contribute towards the making of a healthy nation.