#OurPositiveFight- Stand in support of IHW Council in its endeavor to celebrate our Heroes!! Our Frontline workers!
India is gasping for air as the ongoing fight with covid -19 continues to affect over 2.67 lakh people all over the country daily. There is a shortage of oxygen cylinders, essential drugs, medicines, and availability of hospital beds, etc. Helpless and distraught by this people have turned to social media to connect to sources, so as to acquire covid resources to help and save their family, friends, and compatriots. In all this, it is our healthcare staff, frontline workers, and their families which are most affected but still they continue to serve the nation quietly. It is because of the tireless efforts and unwavering willpower of these heroes to save lives that our country is slowly healing and will be back on its feet in no time.

The Integrated Health & Wellbeing Council (IHW Council) recognizes and shares this sentiment and has come forward to support the patients and families who are at the frontline of the country’s fight against the devastating global pandemic by launching a dedicated relief project for the frontline workers.
#OurPositiveFight is a project by IHW Council in collaboration with Impactguru.com, Bharat Serums and Vaccine limited and Teamwork Communication Group to facilitate use- and return Oxygen Concentrators along with other useful medical devices such as pulse oximeters and thermometers and disposables such as masks, sanitizers, PPE kits especially for the benefit of frontline workers such as medical staff, cleaning staff, delivery staff, utility staff, journalists, police personnel and other professionals and workers who are working on the frontline.
The project is operation in Delhi NCR region only.
It is time for us to stand up in support of our frontline workers who are risking their lives each day by toiling endlessly without thinking about themselves and leaving behind their family just to ensure we are safe in the comfort of our homes surrounded by our loved ones. We urge you to support our cause by donating and sharing it among all your friends, family, and loved ones.
· The Supply of O2 Concentrators is limited and on a first come first serve basis
· This is just a HELP in need and NOT product purchase. Product service is on a returnable basis after the use
· The help is strictly based on the availability of the devices
· Families of frontline healthcare worker/ security forces would be given preference
· Patients/Families in need can take them from Bank on a Use-&-Return basis
· The CO2 concentrators are strictly not for rental or subletting it to any third party use other than the approved patient
· Patient’s family or caretakers will be fully responsible for any damage/mishandling of the device
· The CO2 concentrators in the bank are of 1-7 liter adjustable flow. 35% ~ 90% (Made in China)
· Following details of the patient are mandatory for our record: (Patient’s Name, Age, Gender, City, Area, Address Proof- Aadhar Number, Voter Id or Passport.
· The project is operational in Delhi NCR region only.
· The beneficiary will have to sign a T&C document and deposit a security fee of the device
· Once furnished details are approved by IHW Council, the beneficiary can collect the device from the centre
· The acceptance of the request depends on multiple factors, first come first serve, the financial condition of the patient/family and the usefulness of the available device in the level of disease
· For some special cases and unavoidable circumstances of the patient, the device may be delivered to the patient’s address. It strictly depends on the availability of logistic resources

HW Council, a not-for-profit organisation working towards creating awareness and advocacy for a healthier, happier world. With the core belief that health is everyone’s responsibility, IHW Council initiatives get everyone talking about health at the national and international level. It is our guiding philosophy that focused, dedicated efforts which impact areas related to health should be recognized to inspire more hands and more initiatives that can contribute towards the making of a healthy nation.