Preserve the Uterus
According to the national family health survey 5 (2019-2021), ~20,000 out of the ~724,115 women surveyed had undergone a hysterectomy. Hysterectomy is the most commonly performed non-obstetric surgery globally and has serious implications on the physical and mental wellbeing of women who undergo the same. A higher percentage of hysterectomies were performed in Rural vs Urban India (3.6 % vs 2.5%) where women may be expected to do physical work and may not be aware of the impact of such surgeries on their physical and mental wellbeing.
Preserve the Uterus was launched as a nationwide campaign in April 2022, by Bayer in collaboration with Federation of Obstetric and gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI) and IHW council to empower women with the right information pertaining to Heavy Menstrual Bleeding and enable them to make informed choices about its management. This initiative focusses on capacity building of health care practitioners towards the use of modern methods of management of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding and on strengthening health systems to tackle the rates of unwarranted hysterectomies and to create awareness on the impact of hysterectomies. The need of the hour is to come forward and support the campaign for better health of our women and families.

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Disclaimer: “Preserve the Uterus” is an initiative of Bayer Zydus Pharma Private Limited (“Bayer”) in collaboration with IHW and FOGSI. This pledge is a voluntary activity created for awareness purposes only. This by no means obligates or influences any medical practitioners to prescribe, recommend or purchase any products from Bayer or any of its affiliates. Although great care has been taken in compiling the information to ensure that it is accurate, Bayer shall not be responsible or in any way liable for the continued accuracy &/or veracity of the information or for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in this mailer whether arising from negligence or otherwise howsoever, or for any consequences arising there from. Issued in public interest.
- National Family Health Survey 5 2019-2021 India fact Sheet Accessed on 23rd Dec 2022 from http://rchiips.org/nfhs/NFHS-5_FCTS/India.pdf
- Kumari P, Kundu J. Prevalence, socio-demographic determinants, and self-reported reasons for hysterectomy and choice of hospitalization in India. BMC Womens Health. 2022 Dec 12;22(1):514. doi: 10.1186/s12905-022-02072-7. PMID: 36503443; PMCID: PMC9743745.
- Approval Code: PP-MIR-IN-0141-1